This article demonstrates how to set up your buttons with different attributes.
- On your newly created funnel page, click ‘Controls’ on the button.
- Type the name of the button.
- Select ‘New’ as the button type.
Right now, it will show you a new button because you do not have an existing button yet.
- Select an Action Type.
Here’s a brief description of each Action Type:
- Opt-in PopUp - This will give you a popup form.
- Redirect - This will redirect you to a URL.
- Next Funnel Step - This will take you to the next step in the funnel.
- Click To Email - This will pop up a mail to form once a user clicks on it allowing them to type the email address to the email form that was selected.
- Click To Call - Once a user clicks this, it will automatically put it on their phone so they can just hit send to dial.
- Jump to Block - This allows you to go from the block you were into another selected block.
- Click ‘Next’.
- This next wizard gives you the ability to customize the popup of the optin. Once you are done setting up your fields, click ‘Next’.
You can switch between the ‘Fields’ or ‘Design’ tab. The Fields tab allows you to customize each field in the optin. On the other hand, the Design tab allows you to change the appearance of your buttons such as colors, backgrounds, borders, etc.
- You can also enable the ‘Send Email’ toggle to send an email to an individual once they opted in.
Click ‘Next’ to proceed to the next step in the wizard.
- Enable Automation if you want to add automation to your optin. Once you are done, click ‘Save’.
Note: You can only enable an automation if you have set up integration in Funnel Pages.
To learn how to set up your Integrations in Funnel Pages, read this article.
- You will be redirected to your Page Builder. At any time you want to edit your button, click ‘Controls’ and click ‘Edit’.
Once you are redirected to the Button Setting section, click ‘Back to Edit Page’.
- A red button is not configured yet so you have to set it up first. Once it turns green, this means that the button configured successfully.
You can use an existing button attributes to all of your other buttons by clicking the ‘Existing’ tab and selecting the active button you want to use. Once you are done, click ‘Save’ to apply the attribute.
- Repeat this process to the remaining buttons of your page as necessary.