When you turn on the Waiting List feature, anyone that signs in will be put on a virtual clipboard.  

How to Enable the Waiting List Feature

To enable the Waiting List feature, follow these steps:

Step 1. From the company's dashboard, click Build.

Step 2. Click the Sign In tab.

Step 3. Click Edit Page.

Step 4. Expand the Optional Features section.

Step 5. Enable the Waiting List feature.

Step 6. To change your Notify Contact Message, click the Edit icon. 

Step 7. Type your new text message and click Update.

To send a test SMS of your new text message, type the phone number in the space provided and click the Send Tesbutton.

Waiting List Sign In Workflow

Once this window appears, it will basically explain the workflow of the Waiting List Sign In. 

To explain and demonstrate the workflow deeper, we will sign in a customer first then manage him using the virtual clipboard.

Step 1. First, you need to sign in the customer. Signing in can be done by the customer itself or by the receptionist.

You can only check the Agree To Be Contacted checkbox if you have the consent of the customer. Once you have sent promotional SMS text messages without their consent, you will be fined up to $1,500 per text.

Step 2. Once the contact is signed in, that contact will be listed on the virtual clipboard. You can access the clipboard by going to Build > Sign In.

Step 3. When it is already the contact’s turn, click the Notify button to send a text message to that contact. The message that you created in the "Notify Contact Message" will be sent to the contact.

Step 4. The “Notify Contact button” will change to "Resend" to resend the message. If you want to resend the message, click Resend.

Step 5. You will now have the option to edit your text message. When ready, hit Resend to notify again the client.

Once a client responds to your SMS Promo Optin, you will be notified that the contact has replied “Yes” to your SMS Promo Optin including the date and time of the optin activity.

SMS Promo Optin

The SMS Promo Optin lets you notify a client through a text message that it is already their turn and at the same time sending a promotional SMS text message. Once they replied “YES” they agree to all of these terms. 

In this section, we will demonstrate step-by-step on how you can set up your SMS Promo Optin.

Always get the consent of the contact before sending promotional SMS text messages to them. Once you have sent SMS without their consent, you will be fined up to $1,500 per text.

Step 1. When you turn on your Waiting List feature, you will be prompted with a window explaining the workflow of the  Waiting List Feature and SMS Promo Optin.

Step 2. On the right side of the window, toggle it to ON in order to enable this feature.

Step 3. Select a template and click the Save button.

If you want to create a new template, select Template 2 or Template 3 and then type your SMS Optin Message. Add Tokens if needed, and when you are ready, click Save to save your template. You can create up to two templates here.

Once the contact replies “YES” to your SMS Option Message, you can already update the contact’s status that they have already opted into your Mobile Promo.

How To Manage Your Contacts In Your Virtual Clipboard

Updating Contact Status

There are different actions that you can use for each of your contact:

Changing a Contact's Status

To change a contact's status, follow the steps below:

Step 1. To update the status of your contacts select the contact that you want to update from the clipboard.

Step 2. Click the Contact Status link.

You will also see a red mobile icon which indicates that the contact has not yet opted in. 

This will turn green when you set this to the Opted In status.

Step 3. Select Opted In as your Mobile Promo status and click Save.

Do not set this status until  the contact has already opted into your Mobile Promo.

Highlighting a Contact

Start highlighting a contact through steps steps: 

Step 1. To highlight a contact, select the contact that you want to highlight.

Step 2. Click the Actions drop-down and select Highlight.

Step 3. You will now see that the contact record is highlighted with gray color. Use the highlight action to keep track of the contacts that you currently monitor.

Setting Up Time Tracker

Setting up the time tracker allows you to set the maximum acceptable waiting time 

of each client or customer before they can be serviced. 

To set up time tracker, follow these steps:

Step 1. Select the contact(s) from the list.

Step 2. Click the Actions drop-down and select Time Tracker Settings.

Step 3. Click the Actions drop-down and select Time Tracker Settings.

Step 4. Change the applicable values of your settings and click Save.

Exporting Contacts to CSV

To export your contacts to CSV, follow these steps:

Step 1. Select the contact(s) from the list that you want to export.

You can click the select all checkbox if you want to export all the contacts in your clipboard.

Step 2. Click the Actions drop-down and select Export as .csv.

Deleting a Contact

If you decided to delete one of your contacts, follow these steps:

Step 1. Select the contact(s) from the list.

Step 2. Click the Actions drop-down and either select Remove from Clipboard or Delete Contact.

Deleting a contact means that you will be removing that person's record from the system. If you selected the Remove from Clipboard action, it will only remove the contact from the virtual clipboard.

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