The Apology Campaign is important because it lets you immediately react to any less than positive feedback from your customers. Through this campaign,  you can learn how to improve as a company, but also lets you respond right away and have a chance to fix any problems your customers have.

Two things that are important to happen when someone does not  leave great feedback:

1. Each business reviews the information internally  - so they can see how they can improve with their customers and make sure that any mistakes or expectations are never made again that might be missed.

2. Respond to customer and client appropriately - Because all of the studies and feedback we have gotten from people that have not got a good experience, that number one thing that your customer or client is looking for is to know that they have been heard.              

To jump to a section that you wish to learn more, select from the drop-down:

Apology Email Summary

The Apology Email Summary tracks how many emails were sent and opened and how many people clicked on the link that you have put inside your Apology Email.

You can put a link to your promotion or discount inside your email, and we can track whether they clicked that link or not. 

You can read this article to learn more about how to send a promotion to your customers.

Apology Email Details

The Apology Email Details tracks all of your email requests you have sent out based on Unopened, Open, Clicked, and Unsubscribed customers from all of your email request.

Apology Campaign List

The Apology Campaign section displays all the Apology Campaigns that you have created. This section gives you at a glance these details:

You can also edit a campaign by clicking the pencil icon. If you want to learn more about how to set up and send an Apology Campaign, read this article.

Reviews Data Grid

This data grid displays all the negative feedback that was left by your unsatisfied customers. It also lets you see the different details of each feedback. 

In this section, you can click a contact directly and see all the information about this contact, including the review that they provided.

You can also tick each checkbox and perform different actions for each contact, such as sending your promotions or deleting the contact of your choice.

Related Articles:

Tour of Your Thank You Campaign Dashboard
Tour of Your Request Campaign Dashboard
Feedback Page Overview
Apology Emails
Campaign Filter
Feedback CRM: Request Campaigns