When you edit your Optin Lead Wizard you also edit your Confirmation Page. The changes that are made in your Wizard are reflected in your Confirmation Page.

To edit your Confirmation Page, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Ad Landing Pages and select a Landing Page. Click   to edit a Landing Page.

  2. Click Confirmation Page > Edit Page.

  3. Customize your Confirmation Page using the Wizard Controls. You can edit the Instruction Text and change the wizard’s Explainer Video. Click Next to proceed to the Banner Details section.

  4. The next section that you need to edit is your Banner Details. 

  5. The Confirmation section is the last section of the Optin Wizard Control. To further explain each control, refer below:
  6. When you have made all the necessary edits, click Finish.

  7. Click Save.