In this article, we will talk about the Social offer types and overview of the Offer Campaign Dashboard.

There are three types of offers that are available in Bright Social: 

Content Coupon  Offer

A Content Coupon  Offer is an offer that will be used with the content posted from Bright Social to social media channels. The Content Coupon Offer will create a widget that will show up on the content links that are shared with the messages on social channels. This is generally used to add another layer of promotion to the content that is being shared. To use this type of offer you will need to follow this tutorial: Create Content Coupon Offer

Posting Coupon Offer

A Posting Coupon Offer is an offer that will is posted to social media as various posts promoting the company. This is generally used to include more opportunities to get leads from social media. To use this type of offer you will need to follow this tutorial: Create Posting Coupon Offer

Website Coupon Offer

A Website Coupon Offer is a promotion widget that is placed on the website. While it's built and hosted in Bright Social, it doesn't require social connections in Bright Social to be used.  Just like a Content Offer, it represents a Widget, which is tied to an opt-in page in a funnel. This is generally used to match the Social Offer that is shared on Social media channels.  To use this offer follow this tutorial: Create Website Coupon Offer

All of them can be set up with the help of the offer wizard. 

The first step of the Offer Set up will be the Template Selection. 

Thirty templates are available for each type of offer, consisting of ninety templates in total. 

The niches for which you will find the templates are the following: 

Related Articles:

How to Create a Content Offer
Access and Review the Social Offers Leads
Update Notifications for the Social Offers
Split Testing Opt In Pages for BrightSocial Offers
How to Create a Posting Offer
How to Create a Website Offer