Hi [POC First Name] how are you?

Great! I’ve got something really special for you.  Are you in front of your computer?


Can you get in front of a computer for a few minutes?


When’s a good time I can call you back where you will be in front of your computer for 10 minutes? 


Great. Remember the last time we spoke I mentioned the 71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others.   So essentially updating your social cover can be an effective tool to increase brand engagement and win new customers.

So, I’m curious… we have a "NEW BETA" program that ONLY a few companies have gotten access to.  

If there was a way to get more Social Covers done that allowed you to engage and convert more customers, would you be interested in that? TIE DOWN: Write Down What They Say... "YES"!

Ok, let me bring up the SOCIAL COVER we did for you and talk about it for a moment.


OPTION 1) Do A Screenshare: Instruct Them to Zoom,,GoToWebinar Etc.

OPTION 2) They Type in The URL to the DRAFT.[bannerID]

The Social Cover we created is the 1st one which is the Facebook Cover.

Our goal was to create a design that kept your brand in front of your potential customers

and we think that this will be a really good one for you.

Sounds Good?

[If They Object to Any Part Of The Design]

Ok I’ll note that for our team.

So, let me explain why all these other Social Media Covers are here.We have a lot of steps we go through to make sure every cover has the best chance of converting.

That starts in our Concept & design department:

1. Choosing the right image to capture the viewer's attention

Depending if it's a branding cover, or a reputation cover, or an offer cover, there’s a lot that goes into it.

Sometimes there can be 7-10 different concepts before we come up with the final one.

Can you see why most Agencies Charge $300-500 just for a design?       [TIE DOWN "YES]

Now our design team did some additional redesign work for you.

Because the last step is our RE-DESIGN DEPARTMENT.


Most marketers don’t realize today that social media today is 10x more effective to gaining new customers than it was even 12 months ago:

- 79% of Internet users use Facebook

- 50% of the active Twitter users follow local businesses and brands to learn about new products, offers, and new insights.

- 1 billion searches per day on Linked In

- 53% of users follow their favorite brands and businesses on Instagram, so they don’t mind being marketed to.

Now that’s just a few stats that show how powerful social media can be for businesses and each social media site has a different size and layout for their cover photo.

I’m curious, what do you think most Agencies charge to Redesign 6 social media covers? [Wait for The Answer]


Well if you did know what do you think they would charge?

Typically, it’s an additional $300 - $400 to redesign. So, in total for concept design and redesigning some Agencies charge $600 - $900 to design a business’s social media covers.

Now the first social media cover is the Facebook Cover that was designed for you.

But our team took the time and did all the REDESIGN for COVERS for you for your major social media sites


That means you'll have all the sizes needed to market on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Youtube and others as well as your website for years to come.

There's a 2nd reason why [we / our team] did the redesigns for you....


 It’s because after researching your covers on other social media sites to get some inspiration for your designs…. what we found [honestly] wasn't’ that inspiring :)

Question.  Which Social media site do you think is the most important for

your business and your customers and prospects use? [Wait for The Answer]

The answer is ALL OF THEM :).

So, that's why our team took the liberty to redesign all the sizes for you, so you could see what they would look like IN A SIDE BY SIDE COMPARISON.

[ Here’s Where You Make Your Trust Trigger Offer ]

So, remember when I asked you about getting more Social covers at little to no cost?

Well we have a "BETA program" right now, to try and help companies keep their cost really low and make them look like the market leader almost overnight.

 Would you be interested in having 2 complete Covers sets for all your social media done FREE?


So we would normally charge $595 to create a full set of covers for your social media. But our "Beta program" gives you 2 full sets of covers… which is over $1200.

That means you can engage your customers and followers with a cover that:

 - Celebrates the upcoming holiday


 - Shows Off your 5 Star Reputation


- Engages followers with a new offer

 PLUS … our development team will install them for you…. and if there’s a social media site you don't’ have, we will even create the site for you.


On top of that, we will create a social media POST that engages everyone on the topic of your social media cover.

So, if it's a holiday cover we will do a holiday post so that you get the broadest reach by everyone knowing your cover has changed and you’ve got a post that promotes it.

So, that's 2 SETS OF SOCIAL MEDIA COVERS, plus doing all the work to install the covers, and design and image and social media post for ALL your social media networks. Which is over $1500 in services.

But we have a few requirements:

1) We are looking for feedback on your experience with the Beta program and how effective you think covers were in helping your business. If we did 2 Social Media Cover Sets at little to no cost would you mind giving us your feedback on your experience?  [TIE DOWN "YES]

2) We are really trying to perfect our design standards and delivery times.  So to help us do that we would like to get more businesses to take advantage of our ONE FREE COVER promotion. Could you refer 3 other businesses that would like to get a free cover for FACEBOOK or other Social Media for their business?

3) Lastly, we ONLY WANT TO WORK with companies that are focused on marketing and see the value in branding their business.  There's a lot of scheduling to do between our departments to get this all done.

So, all we ask to be a part of the Social Covers BETA PROGRAM.... is for you to just help cover OUR SCHEDULING COST which is only $299.

Again, we would normally charge $600 for just one Set of Social Media Covers:

But this Beta will give you the opportunity

1) Get 2 Cover Sets to set up on all your major social media sites, including creating listings if you need them

2) Installing those covers for you

3) Writing and posting a social media update on all your social sites

Sounds Good?

[Qualifying Takeaway... Use If They Object to The Money]

Honestly, it's not about the money. We didn’t want to give all this work to a company that either couldn’t afford $300, or didn’t see the value in it branding their business.   This Beta was created for businesses that see the value in marketing but might not have that $1500 budget in place to start engaging and converting customers.

[No, I’m not interested]

1) I understand.  Since we are doing a 1x beta and giving $1500 in cover design for only $299 what specifically aren’t you interested in? Is it too expensive for you?

2) Let me ask you, did you think it was helpful that we did all the designs for you to see what they are like and the different sizes needed for different online marketing networks?  [GET A YES]

3) Well maybe I can help with that.  If you just would like the 5 redesigns we did for you. I can have my team give you all of them if you cover just part of the cost of $99

[I Just Wanted the Free Cover]

1) I understand, I can have my team remove the draft watermarks and get it sent to you later today.  Since we are doing a 1x beta and giving $1500 in design services for only $299 what specifically aren’t you interested in? Is it too expensive for you?

2) Let me ask you, did you think it was helpful that we did all the designs for you to see what they are like and the different sizes needed for different online marketing networks?  [GET A YES]

3) Well maybe I can help with that.  If you just would like the 5 redesigns we did for you. I can have my team give you all of them if you cover just part of the cost of $99

[Yes, That Sounds Good]

Great, we thought it would be something that could really help your business. So, here’s how the BETA Works.


We have deadlines we have to meet on our end to get the designers scheduled.

1) Our team can email you an idea outline that will give you some perspective on what other types of COVERS would be effective for you.

2) Then in the next few days we can connect for a “COVER Concept Meeting” in an online meeting so you’ll be able to see my screen and we can gather all the information we need for the different COVERS you want to create.

Examples would be: where to find any photos from your website, proper branding colors Etc. We can also get access to your social sites so we can update them for you.

3) During that meeting we can spend about 10 minutes giving you some strategies on the best leverage of the Social Covers to get more brand recognition and to get more customers.

Sounds Good?

What time on ______________ do you have available for an Interview on [48 Hours Later]

#2) Technical Sign Off Scheduled

So, the last thing is Technical Sign Off. After our team is finished with the Cover designs, we will go over the covers together and get your approval on them.  

If we need to make any adjustments on them, we are happy to do that then. It takes about 2-3 full days to get that work done.

What time on [2 Days After Concept Meeting] do you have available for that call?

Ok I’ve got you scheduled for:

____________ at ____________   for our Cover Concept meeting and

____________ at _____________ For Technical Sign Off Meeting

I’m excited we got a chance to talk. Your business seems like a great fit for what we are looking for as part of our Beta program.

I’ll send you an email with some notes from our conversation, what’s the best email for you? And direct number?


I can get your credit card over the phone right now for the $299

[OPTIONAL] or you can go to our website and pay it there right now if you would like.

[Optional Pay On Website Instructions]

1) Can you go to

You’ll see the scheduling page. Can you just fill in your Name, Company Name, phone and email and that will help our team get started on setting up graphics and design?

Great, just let me know when you’re done.

2) Next click “Next Step” so here’s where you cover the $299 Scheduling FEE.

Once you complete this, I’ll have everything set up on our end.

What questions do you have?

3) Great, I look forward to working with you, and if you have any questions, I’ll send my contact information in my follow up email for you.

Great, we will talk on ____________ for the Concept design meeting.


Related Articles:

[SC] 7 Scripts: Marketing A FREE Social Cover (Lead Magnet Call) 
[Cold Call] Social Covers Optin Call GATEKEEPER Script
Referral Script for Social Covers
Leads Wizard Videos Scripts 
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