Steps to Success with Rep Kahuna: Rep Kahuna 101 from Local Genius on Vimeo. 

1. Introduction

This article demonstrates how to quickly set up your campaigns in Rep Kahuna and get on the way to success quickly and effectively. We will show you the steps and what is necessary and what is not for the basic setup. Following this plan, it will be straightforward to set up every company you work with within minutes later on because a lot of it is taken care of by Rep Kahuna automatically.

2. Agency Setup

This wizard step is the very first thing that you need to set up in Rep Kahuna. You need to fill the Company Information, update the Agency Branding, and setup Twilio.

2.1. Fill Company Info

When you come in with just your Agency Information here is what you need to have handy:

1. Owner Info - Name, Email, and Phone. If you own the agency, then that is your name and your details.

2. Agency Info - This is your address, email, and website and all the information about your agency.

3. Client Manager - This is the person who will represent the agency in all the notifications and emails. It could be the information for the owner of the agency or the client manager who you appoint to be the representative.

2.2. Agency Branding

You do not need to go over with great customization here. We have it all ready for you. If you want to update the image, select the image that looks best to you. With a very minimal effort, you can just put in your name and logo, and you are good to go.

What do you need to have handy:

1. Agency Name

2. Agency Logo

2.3. Twilio Setup

It is crucial to have Twilio in Rep Kahuna. You have to get a Twilio Account and be able to get the Account Token and SID with the phone number to be able to send SMS messages. We encourage you to set up this for both the agency and the company.

The good part for Twilio, if you have your agency account, you can take over the company Twilio, so you have control over it as well. It could be one account with one token and a number and two places that you can cover it up.


3. Company Setup

Now that you have your agency set up, the first step in setting up all the campaigns is to set up the company that you want to work for. Here’s what you need to do for the company:

1. Set Up Company

2. Set Up Branding

3. Set Up SMS

4. Set Up Locations


3.1. Company Information

We highly encourage you to create a very basic form that would collect information about the company. Let’s say they signed a contract with you, and the next thing you do is to send them an email requesting those details so you can effectively fill those things exactly out and know what to put under the company name. 

The company name is critical because we search it up with Google, and when the name is not correct, it will not pull the right directories for it. The name must be what on their license on their documents.

Here’s what to have handy:

1. Company Name

2. Email

3. Industry

4. Buyer Type

5. Decision Maker Info

3.1.1. Decision Maker

The Decision Maker is the owner who is most likely the Marketing Manager, so you can click the Same button and get that all filled out automatically. If they do have a receptionist who is going to play the role of the Marketing Manager, you need to ask for it, but for the basic setup, you do not need to do that; click the Same
 button and move forward.

3.2. Set Up Company Branding

For Company Branding, what to have handy is just the Company Name. If you know the company you are working with and the official “good” name that you collected from them, that all you need to put up here. All the other things are optional, like the Niche Image. If you know that the company is a dentist, then select dental as your niche.

Here’s what to have handy:

1. Company Name


3.3. Set Up Company Twilio

As mentioned earlier, this can be your Agency Twilio, or your customer’s account. If you are using customer’s account, it might take a minute or two to figure out for them what to do and where to set up their Twilio. This is going to be in their control for paying for their phone number, etc.

Here’s what to have handy:

1. Twilio Information

We would suggest the basic setup and use your Twilio account and go with it.

3.4. Set Up Company Locations

If you do have a company that has one location, all of these details are going to be filled out automatically. You would not have to decide or fill out anything you look over this information

Here is what you need to have handy:


1. Location Info - If the location is the same, it is automatic. If it is not, you need to ask for those details from the customer to make sure you set up the exact address for that location and the correct phone number and website.

2. Location Manager Info 


Location Manager Info - The Location Manager will be receiving the alert notifications of the company.


It can be the owner, it can be anybody else, or it can be you if you just wanted to review those things on your own and then connect with your customer and let us say in a monthly meeting to report on your monthly progress.

3.4.1. Set Up Monitoring

If you selected the correct name, address, and phone number from the location, it will pull out automatically all the directories that have the same information and have reviews. Then we will be able to monitor them; you can turn them ON/OFF in monitoring for the directories you like and move ahead.

Here is what you need to have handy: 

1. 5 minutes of your time

2. Patience

3.4.2. Set Up Social Connections

Here is what you need to have handy:

1. Customer Email - If you have already set it up in the location or the company set up, you can select who you want to send it to either the Location Manager or Decision Maker. From this point forward, they connect their Social Media for you. You do not have to do anything. Set it up and send the email to them and move 

3.4.3. Set up Alerts

Here is what you need to have handy:

1. How you want to deliver alerts - This can either be an email or SMS.


2. Who should they go to - This can be either the Location Manager or Decision Maker.


3. How often - This is how often you want them to go instantly, daily, weekly.  

You can also set up what kind of reviews you want like 5-star reviews are collected, which is a good alert to send to your customer.

4. Create a Feedback Page

If you do not have customizations, the only thing you need to have handy is Directory Preference where you want to send reviewers which for example to Google, and the Feedback Page is automatically created for you. If you just clicked Actions and Edit, you can add the directory preferences, save it and you are good on your way.

Survey Questions is optional. You can go ahead and edit it as well, but if you do not need any of that, your feedback page is created for you once you set up the company. All information is taken automatically from the setup and feeding it to the Feedback Page.

5. Request Campaign

Now that you have your Feedback Page, you want to build your first campaign. 

5.1. Add Contacts To Campaign

We suggest starting with the Request Campaign, and the first step in setting up this campaign is to get the contacts added. 


Here is what to have handy:

1. Excel Sheet with List Of Contacts - Grab the excel sheet from your customer.

2. Permission to send contacts to marketing emails

If a company gives you a list of 500 people, import their list right here and say yes I have permission to contact them and you are food on your way.

5.2. Setup Request Campaign Sequence

This will be the page that is going to open next. This is the Request Campaign Sequence and all the emails. We have them laid out for you. You definitely can customize them, but you do not need to. 

All you need to have handy from here is:

1. Feedback Page you want to use - If you have several Feedback Pages for different purposes.

2. Imagination - If you would like to customize the templates. You have the options to turn on/off some emails, and you will see the response from the customer’s contacts are. You do not have to go to the length of that travel; everything is set up for you from the get-go.

5.3. Start Campaign

Now that you updated your emails, you can already start the campaign. You can either schedule your campaign start or start it right away.

6. Sign In Campaign

Now that you have the Request Campaign for people who already were the clients of your customer, now for the future one that will be coming to the office, for example, we need to set up the Sign In Campaign.

Sign In is the page where you are able to set up from the Sign In Dashboard and all we need to have here is the Feedback Page that we need to refer them to and your imagination to customize the emails and text messages. It would take you from the page setup to the emails setup to the SMS setup. 

There is nothing else mandatory for the page to work correctly so once you got through these pages, you have your Sign In Page ready.

6.1. Send the Sign In Link to the Customer

Once your Sign In Page is ready, send the Sign In Link to the customer. Just have the customer email, grab the link from the top of the browser, copy it, paste it to the email and say that this is the link to your customers when they come into an appointment. From there, they will put in their name, email, mobile phone number and they will be added to the Sign In Campaign that you created in the previous step.

7. Market

When you start receiving reviews and feedback, you need to market it. When we click on Marketing, we will have a few options:

1. Website Marketing - You do not have to be streaming reviews to the website. If you do not have access to the website to your customer, then you might skip that step. But if you do get their website, what you want to do is set up the Widget, steam all the reviews - the positive and negative reviews that are coming into their website. 

Here’s what you need to have handy:

1. Website URL

2. Feedback Page

3. Webmaster’ Email to send the code


Once you go to this Widget Setup Page which only has four steps (Setup, Video, Widget, Finish) and only the Feedback Page is mandatory where you select the one that you need if you have more than one and the URL in the Setup step.  Once you do that, nothing else is mandatory, and you can keep it as is and send the code at the end. Send a message to your customer that their webmaster needs to put the code on the website on the page of their preferences. This could be on the Homepage, Sidebar or Footer or depending on your customer’s preferences.

1. Social Marketing

The only thing you need to decide for Social Marketing since the Social Media is going to be connected by your customer is what kind of reviews you want to post - 3 stars and up and how often. So the reviews schedule is the only thing that you need to think about. If it is going to be every day or every week or every three days so we will keep that schedule for you once the reviews that are coming in. We will use the reviews that were already pulled out as well so we found all the directories and there were a lot of reviews, we will schedule those reviews to be posted to Social Media as well.

2. Video Marketing Subscribe to our Rep Video.

It would be wonderful to get another push in the marketing department to have the videos created out to review that is coming, and we have this ability to turn reviews to videos automatically. The only thing you need to update here is to go to the video options and update the Video Background Image for that company (you can request that from your intake form) and your Company Logo and everything is going to be set up automatically.


You can also update the Title and Description, but you do not have to. It is already good to go and every review that will be pulled out will be turned into a video and will be posted it to your Video Websites like YouTube and Daily Motion.


8. Reports

Now that you have the campaigns running, you have people responding; you are marketing reviews and feedback that is coming in, the last piece of the puzzle is the Reporting. You need to show your customer that you are doing things and you are doing it well. Under Manage, the Reports gives you the ability to schedule a report. You can schedule it by monthly, weekly, every six months, and you can send it to yourself before you send it to your customer. You also can monitor your results, your success and the collection of feedback and review and Online Visibility for your customer.

All you need to know is how often you want the report to generate and who will receive the report.

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