To connect Paypal as a payment gateway with Funnel Pages. Please head over to and log in with your Paypal username and password as shown here:

Once you have logged in to PayPal and are redirected to the main page, From the top right corner, hover over your username and from the dropdown menu, click on Dashboard as shown here:

From your dashboard Please go ahead and and select the CREATE APP button under the REST API APPS.  Under the Create New App screen where it says App Name. Type the name of the App in the text field (Funnel Pages) and select the CREATE APP button

From here you will be able to fetch the Client ID Key and Secret Key as shown here: 

Please note that you will have to use the LIVE option as shown here (Sandbox environment will not work with Funnel Pages):

Now that you have both the CLIENT ID and SECRET KEY let’s head over to the business where you will connect the PayPal integration with as shown here:

Once you head over to the PayPal integration tab. Please enter your Client ID and Secret Keys on their respective fields and click the CONNECT WITH PAYPAL button as shown here:

As you can see once PayPal is connected with Funnel Pages you will immediately have the option to start creating products.

For an instructional video please take a look here: