Here is our second Email Script for your 5 Day Fire Sale Campaign that you can use and send out to your clients:

[POC First Name],

I’m sorry I wasn’t able to get a hold of you yesterday.

After searching for [Company Name] I found some really good reviews like this one:

[Online Review]

As I mentioned yesterday, the problem I saw was when I went to your website.

I didn’t find any 5-star reviews on your homepage that stood out to me or inspired me to want to contact you.

I mentioned in my previous email I mentioned I’m an “Online Reputation Analyst” and showing 5-star reviews on your website can get more people calling you.

If you place your reviews in the right place on your website’s homepage, you could start getting more [Buyer Type]s

It’s easy to do. Showing your 5-star reviews can increase calls to your business.

Reply “I’m interested” and can show you exactly what to do.

If you're thinking, “Why would you help me?” “What’s the Catch?”

This is what I do for a living, so it's easy for me to show you and when I see someone with great reviews like you have, it's just my way of saying “THANKS” for doing such a great job in the [City] community.

Reply “YES” if you are interested and I'll explain exactly what to do so that everyone sees your amazing 5-star reputation.

To your success,

[Agency Signature]

P.S. I can also show you a simple method on how to stream dozens 5-star reviews right to your website so everyone sees the great work that you do.

Email me back.

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Email Script 1
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