This article addresses: 

How do I Allow Apps from Anywhere in Gatekeeper for MacOS? 

The gatekeeper in MacOS, by default, will only allow options for apps downloaded from either the App Store or the App Store and identified developers. If you are an advanced Mac user, you can open and allow apps downloaded from anywhere.

Complete the follow steps to learn how you can enable the Allow Apps Downloaded From Anywhere option: 

  1.  Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy.image7.png
  2. Set the access to Allow Apps Downloaded from "Anywhere."image2.png

 What do I do if I do not see an Anywhere Option? 

You need to complete the following parts to be able to see the anywhere option: 

  1. How do I open the terminal? 
  2. How do I turn off the gatekeeper?

This article also provides directions for turning the gatebook back on. 

Part 1: How do I Open the Terminal?

There are two ways to open the terminal: 

Launchpad Method 

Complete the following steps to use the launchpad method to open the terminal: 

  1.  Click Launchpad from your dock.image9.png
  2. Type “terminal” in the search box (1) and then click the Terminal app (2).image11.png

 Utilities Method 

Complete the following steps to use the utilities method to open the terminal: 

  1. Navigate to Go (1) and then click Utilities (2).image12.png
  2. Click Terminal from the Utilities window. image10.png

Part 2: How do I Turn Off the Gatekeeper?

Complete the following steps to turn off the gatekeeper: 

  1. Open your terminal ape. Type the following command syntax (without the quotes): “sudo spctl --master-disable” and then press the Return key.
  2. Type your Password and then press the Return key again.
  3. To verify if your Allow Apps Downloaded From Anywhere option is enabled, click the Apple menu (1) and click System Preferences (2).
  4. Click Security & Privacy.
  5. You will see that the Allow Apps Downloaded From Anywhere option is already enabled.image2.png

How do I Turn the Gatekeeper Back On?

Complete the following steps to turn the gatekeeper back on, which will make Lead Kahuna crash again: 

  1. Go to your terminal. Type this set into the command syntax (without the quotes): “sudo spctl --master-enable” and then press the Return key. You will be asked to re-authenticate again.
  2. Click your apple menu (1) and click System Preferences (2).image6.png
  3. Click Security & Privacy.
  4. See that the default Gatekeeper settings are back.image7.png