If you are running into an issue where you are trying to set up a new funnel in Funnel Pahes and you set up a new product, here is something that you may want to double check if you are getting an error.

You may receive an error message that your product is not valid. In order for this to become available to you, follow these steps:

  1. Go back to your Stripe account and click ‘Orders’.


  1. Click ‘Products’ and select a product to check.


  1. Click ‘Add SKU’.

If you do not have an inventory and an active SKU set up, you will be seeing an error if you already created a product.


  1. Set up your new SKU and click ‘Add SKU’.


  1. You will now see a new instance in Inventory and that will solve the issue you received.


  1. Refresh your page and click ‘Add Funnel’.


  1. You can now complete your Add Sales Funnel Project without any errors.
