This article demonstrates how to connect your Google API Key to Lead Kahuna. To do so, follow these steps:

Connecting Google API Key to Lead Kahuna

  1.  Go to

With the latest update to Lead Kahuna, we require that for all multi-city searches, that you connect your own Google API Key into Lead Kahuna to run multi-city searches. This will ensure that you get the best search speed as well as the most amount of results per search.



2. Once you have logged into your account click the ‘Get Started’ button found on the upper right-hand corner of your page.



  1.  Select the ‘Places’ checkbox and click ‘Continue’.


  1.  Select a Project and click ‘Next’.

This is just creating a project inside Google Platform that will reference your API Key to Lead Kahuna. You can name this to whatever you want.



  1.  Once you have created your project, click ‘Create Billing Account’ to enable billing on your Google Maps Platform.


  1.  Connect your Credit Card and click ‘Agree and Continue’.

When you sign up for a Google Cloud Platform, you will be credited $200 to your account every month. That means that you can use up to $200 with your Google Cloud Platform before they start charging you anything to your credit card.

What this means when using it with Lead Kahuna is that you can search about 5,000 leads before Google starts charging you anything on your cloud platform account. As long as you stay under that 5,000 lead number, you will not be charged anything inside your Google Platform.


  1.  After successfully creating your billing, you will be asked to enable your maps platform. Please click ‘Next’.


  1.  Once you have successfully enabled your API, it will immediately provide your API Key. This will be the key that you will be entering on your Lead Kahuna account. 


  1.  Login to your Lead Kahuna account and go to ‘Settings’ and click ‘Google Api


  1.  Paste your Google API Key and click ‘Connect’. You will be prompted inside Lead Kahuna that your account has now been connected successfully.

Once your API Key is connected in Lead Kahuna, you will be able to resume using multi-city search and you will notice that your search leads will be faster and probably get more results per search using the search function.


  1.  To disconnect your API Key or use a different account, click ‘Disconnect’. Note: You will not be able to disconnect your API while a search is running. 


Locating Your API Key from Google Maps Main Overview Page

  1.  If your API Key gets disconnected and you don’t know where to find it, you can always navigate back to your Google Cloud Platform. Navigate to ‘API’s’ and click ‘Places API for Web’.


  1.  Click the ‘Credentials’ tab.



  1.  Copy your API and paste it your Lead Kahuna account.
