In this article you will find the voice script for following up with the Businesses you Patron to offer a free 30 day package or to make a sale.

Companies You've Done Business With (Patron Swap) Script

[Companies "You've Done Business With" (Patron Swap)]

This is  [User Full Name] I’m the [User Title] at [User Company]. And I'm a customer of yours.


So I wanted to say thank you, you really have a great company.

[Let Them Respond And Give You Feedback]

Since I’m the [User Title] and because I had a great experience I wanted to do something special for you.  We have a spot that has opened up for 1 company in our FREE "Social Media Makeover" program that can help businesses get more customers.

Facebook Page: [Facebook URL]
Likes: [FB Likes Total]
Talked About This: [FB Talked About Total]
Posted Last: [FB Last Day Posted]
Posts Last 30 Days: [FB Post 30 Days]

Our limited FREE "Social Media Makeover" program consists of simply giving you over $500 of design work to create a HIGH CONVERTING Social content package for your social media.  There's nothing to buy or purchase. Your social content package is the photo that’s at the top of your business's Facebook page, your Google, and other social media sites. It's like a BIG billboard that everyone sees when they first go to your social media.  If done right, you can use it to engage and convert more customers.

We have an ONLINE Social content package Design department that from time to time have spots open and we give away those spots to small businesses to help them get more customers.

To participate in the limited FREE "Social Media Makeover" and get a $500 free Online Social content package:

  1. I can send you an invitation
    2. Inside the invitation, you choose the type of content package that you would like us to create
    3. Usually within 48 - 72 hours our team will give you your content package.

You get to choose which Social media site you want us to create it for, like Youtube or Facebook or Linked in.

So Again, there's no catch, our team of experts will do it all for free and all we ask is for you to give us some feedback on your experience.  That's all!  

Are you in front of your computer?

[If NO They Are NOT In Front Of Their Computer]

What's the best email, I'll email you the invitation.  If I get that out to you
Today, do you think you can open it, and get it filled out for me by the end of the day?

It only takes about 2 minutes.

[If YES They Are In Front Of Their Computer]

Great, type this into your browser.
[Spell Out For Them The Landing Page LINK]

Or  Http:// 

[Make Sure You Create Personalized URL]

Step 1: Click the "Get My Free Social content package" Button
Step 2: Listen to the 60-second video and choose a Social content package Design. I'll wait.
Step 3: Fill out your company info and your contact info. I can wait.

So, my next step is that I’m going to assign this to one of our "Top Designers", but before I do, I just had a few questions. I’m on your website now. You’ve got some great products/services.

I noticed you have about [FB Likes Total] Facebook likes, and you’ve made [FB Post 30 Days] posts in the last 30 days.

Q1) So Is there a specific product or service that you would like to brand to them right now to get more sales?
Q2) What about a specific special or offer you want to advertise?
Q3) OK, well a social content package can take up an average of 50% your listing, so there is a lot we can design. We could

- Show off your 5-star reviews to look like a Market Leader
-  Brand a Product or Service You Have
-  Market A Special Offer Or Event

Which angle would you like us to design? I recommend showing a 5-star rating to everyone.

[Wait For What They Have To Say]

The REASON I RECOMMEND to show off your 5-star reputation is …71% of consumers who have had a good social media experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others. So, updating your social content package to promote your company as a company that gives 5-star service to increase brand engagement and help win new customers.

 [SEED PLANT] You know a lot of businesses don’t update their social content packages or even create a content package to brand their business...  I’m surprised because by staying in front of prospects they engage them and help generate sales. Now I’m curious….

This was a great meeting. I’ve got everything we need for our team to get started.

Q4 ) Last question. We’ve got a really tight schedule, what time do you have on _____________ or ____________ that you can be in front of your computer for 15 minutes where we can call you and show your social content package?

Great did you have any last questions?

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