Reach out to businesses that said no to a different offer in the past. 


Hey {First name},

This is [Your Name] from [Your Company] and I spoke with you awhile back about a [Marketing Service] that we were releasing and at the time, I think it was because of TIMING, you said “No.”  But our conversation made an impression on me and I really liked your business
So when we decided to open our [Offer Benefit] Beta Program… you came to mind.

It’s usually over [COST OF THE OFFER] to [YOUR OFFER] for a business like yours, but we know some businesses are tight on budgets, so we created a BETA program we cover ALL the [TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT] costs in developing [YOUR OFFER] that [Top Benefit To The Prospect].

It’s my way of saying THANKS for taking the time to look at our services last time.   I’m the one who signs off on who gets in the program! We have one more spot available and I wanted to give it to you.

Would you be interested getting [Benefit To The Client]?