After you set up an Audience, you might want to add a retargeting segment or in other words, add to your retargeting funnel to further segment your audience.

💡 To add a retargeting segment, follow these steps:

  1. From the Dashboard, click Client Merchant > Client > Audience Groups > click on the audience you wish to segment. Then from the Actions drop down menu, select Add a Retargeting Segment
  1. Complete the form, which is similar to adding an audience. Remember, this is the next page of your funnel. For example, your funnel might include: a landing page then a form page followed by a thank you confirmation page. Remember that TrafficFuel allows you to add a confirmation page when creating an audience, so that you only have to create one more segment, in this example, and you’re done!
  2. Now you will see your funnel, or retargeting segments, has been created 1, 2, 3