We updated the way we count Local Analyzer Landing Page views. Now, we count each visit from a unique IP as a view.

For example:

If one person visits pages 1 and 2, that would be one view per page. 

If one person from 1 IP visits 1 page, that would also be one view per page

If one person from 1 IP visits 3 split-test pages, that would be one view per page, representing 3 views in the main data area. 

If one person from 1 IP visits two times to a 3-page split test, that would be only one view per page and three views in the main data area.

Therefore, six visits to 3 pages only equal one unique view per page.

Thus, we count unique views only. However, when split testing is implemented, we count unique views per page. 

The new count will also explain the opt-in count where there was not a recorded visit. For example, if a user from 1 IP visited yesterday and today and we tracked it, we would not count it as a unique view. However, if they opted-in, we would count the opt-in.