The Review Inbox shows all the reviews we find online. When you first set up a location, it can take up to four hours to do the first scan. After that, this area will house the reviews that people are posting in Online Directories. You can also manually push these reviews into the Social Media Posting queue from here.

To jump to a section that you wish to learn more, select from the drop-down below:


Sentiment Analysis

The Sentiment Analysis displays all the reviews we found, and we are looking for the "common words" and how they are used. This analysis is a way to see what customers are saying about this merchant online.

e.g., The word “Great” is used 216 times in a review, 209 times in the positive review.

It also found seven times in a negative review.


The Rating column displays the actual directory it came from, the number of stars it got, and when the review is posted. At times, because every directory is different, a customer will post a review on Google, and it might not show up for a week, and that is strictly Google’s policy. 

Google might not give a specific day, and it may say something like “this review was left within the past week or the last month.”

Remember that these dates when they can be a hundred percent accurate, they will be. Otherwise, we will go ahead and estimate sometime within the week, and we’ll pick a day for you to have a record of when this review came.


The Author column displays the author of the review. Clicking the link will take you into our CRM (Customer Relationship Management), where there will be an actual contact record setup for this user.

Online Review

The Online Review column displays the actual review you got from customers online.


Syndication is used if you want to syndicate a review to popular social media sites such as Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. So let’s say it is a great review, and you want to manually push it out over in the posting queue to the connected social media sites for this merchant.

If your merchant has not connected any sites to market their review, now is the time to set that up.

Learn how to connect a company's Social Media account here.


There are two actions you can choose:

Use search if you want to pull a particular review based on the keyword you will be entering.

e.g., Pulling out all reviews with the word “great.”

Filter Reviews

You can also filter reviews depending on your preferences.

e.g., Filter a review by Date, Location, Directory, or Rating.

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Review Inbox Overview
Tour of Your Manage Dashboard
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