Before you can complete these steps, make sure you have added a Valid Product in Stripe. A Valid Product will have at least one Product View (Orders -> Products) in Stripe AND will have at least one SKU in the Product. Here is a link to Step 1.

If you want to be able to use the Sales Funnels and Order Pages that you have created, you need to set up a Payment Integration First To do so, follow these steps:

  1.  As you can see, you can not access the Sales Funnel, Upsell Funnel, and Downsell Funnel.


If you read here, it says that you need to set up a Payment Integration first to use the Sales Funnels.


  1.  To start setting this up, click ‘Businesses’ and select the business that you want to create the business integration for.


  1.  Click ‘Setup’.


  1.  Click ‘Payment Gateways’.


  1.  You will be needing to paste your Stripe’s Publishable Key and Secret Key*. Once this is done, click ‘Connect with Stripe’.

*Learn how to get your API Keys from this article.

  1.  You will be getting a message that Stripe was saved successfully. Now, click ‘Back’.


  1.  Click ‘Add Funnel’.


  1.  Enter your Funnel Name and select a business.


  1.  You can now select Sales Funnel. Now, click ‘Next Step’.

*If you are still having issues, make sure you have added an SKU for your product in Stripe.

  1.  From here, you can select an Optin Template.

You can select an Optin Template since a Sales Funnel has an Optin Page, a Sales Page, Order Page, Thank You Page, and another Thank You Page for the order.
