This article is an overview of the AdViddy Traffic Syndication.

  1. To start, type the name of your video from the setup wizard and click ‘Next Step’.

 You may enable Syndication and your Agency Branding from this point.


  1. Make sure to enable your Adobe Flash Player to be able to run the AdViddy Builder.


  1. Once you are done with your video, click ‘Next Step’.


  1. If you are not yet ready to finish your video, click ‘Save As a Draft’. If you are ready to send your video to production, render it and consider adding traffic with it, click ‘Send To Production


  1. Click ‘New Cold Traffic’ to enable this traffic.

Enabling  ‘Geo Traffic’ will hone a target on a certain radius otherwise it will target a city-wide targeting.

Note: Make sure to set up the correct URL for each client that you create.  


  1. You can select from 5 miles to 200 miles from the company location. Please select the right value that you want to Geo Target.


  1. Select how much you want to spend on your traffic. The more willing you spend, the more potentials max views you will get.


  1. Click ‘Yes’ to enable Retargeting Traffic and select the amount you want to spend on this traffic.

Retargeting traffic is anyone that has come to your businesses, your client’s website we are going to showing them ads as they go around the internet. 

Note: Before proceeding with this step, make sure that your company has a retargeting code on your company website.


  1. The Send Traffic URL is the business’s website that was part of the setup tab when you set up the business. Once you are done, click ‘Next Step’.


  1. The Traffic Details section displays the total impressions and cost of your traffic. Below is the Payment Information which displays the current credit card you have enrolled. You may select which credit card you want to use from here.

If you do not have one enrolled yet, please click ‘New Card’. Once you are done in this section, click ‘Next Step’.


  1. Click ‘Copy’ to copy the Retargeting Code to your clipboard. Make sure to put this code on the website and the web pages that you are sending the traffic to. Once you are done, click ‘Finish’.

You can also send the code to the webmaster of that site if you do not have access to the website.

Note: Your ad for your traffic campaign will be reviewed in the next 24 - 48 hours for approval. You will receive an email once your ad is been reviewed and upon approval, your ad will start immediately.


  1. To start viewing your videos that are running already, click ‘Businesses’ and click the business whom you have just set up the video for.


  1. Click the ‘Videos Traffic’ tab.


  1. Once your video starts running, it will show how much Spent, Impressions, Clicks, Click-Through Rate, and your effective Cost Per Click is.


  1. You can also end your campaign if necessary.