Woohoo! You've unlocked bonus access to RepFinder for the life of your RepVideos subscription!

With RepFinder, you can maximize your RepVideos experience with targeted reputation leads on autopilot to get customers FAST!

Introduction To RepFinder

🛑 Before Installing: Make sure you have installed the latest version of Java Runtime Environment. Click here to download the latest Java Runtime Environment.

For more information/troubleshooting on updating your Java version, you can read our troubleshooting article here.

Also, for Mac OS users, before downloading and running the software: You MUST enable your OS to allow downloads from outside the Apple store. To do this, follow the instructions here to update your Gatekeeper settings: Check The Instructions Here

To run Rep Finder on your Mac OS you must first follow steps in the articles above to set your Gatekeeper to "Anywhere".

Follow these quick and easy steps to activate your Rep Finder Software: