This article will walk you through on how to create an Email Campaign only. These steps can be performed whenever you need to send an email to your contacts.


Wizard Step 1: Importing Your List

The first step in creating a new campaign is importing your campaign's contact list. To start importing your list, follow these steps:

Step 1. From the Merchant’s Dashboard, hover your mouse over the Add Contacts tab and select Import Your List.

Step 2. Click New Campaign.

Step 3. Type the name of your campaign.

Step 4. Select Default Campaign and click Upload to start importing your contacts that you want to include in your campaign.

Step 5. Select the Feedback Page that you want to use.

Step 6. Since we only want to send the campaign to your email contacts, we toggle the Message Campaign to ON and the SMS Campaign to OFF.

Step 7. Be sure to tick the permission checkbox, which indicates that you have permission to send marketing content to the contacts that you have imported.

Step 8. Review your new Message Campaign, and once you are done, click Next Step.

Wizard Step 2: Mapping Fields

Once you have successfully imported your contact list, the next step is mapping the data from your list to the fields of Rep kahuna. To do so, follow these steps:

Step 1. This next step is very straightforward. You need to map the data from your list to the fields of Rep Kahuna.

Step 2. Once you are done mapping all fields, click Next Step.

Wizard Step 3: Adding Touches to Your Email Campaign

The next step of the wizard is updating your campaign's email sequences. To do so, follow these steps:

Step 1. Update the Email Sequences of your campaign if necessary. You have three email touches by default.

Step 2. To add more touches, click the Add Touch button and select the touch that you want to add.

You can only add up to 10 touches per campaign sequence.

Step 3. For better results, you can test the touches you have and send the actual message to yourself.

Step 4. Review your campaign sequence, and once everything is ready, click Next Step.

Wizard Step 4: Setting Up Your Abandon Campaign

The next wizard is setting up your Abandon Campaign. You can start updating your Abandon Campaign through the steps below:

Step 1. Edit the necessary changes that you want for each touch.

This next wizard has the same set up from the previous wizard step except that you are setting up touches whenever a user does not respond to your campaign. You have two SMS touches by default.

Step 2. To add more touches, click the Add Touch button and select the touch that you want to add.

Step 3. Review all the sequence of your Abandon Campaign, and if everything is ready, click Next.

Wizard Step 5: Confirming Your Settings

Once you have completed all four wizards, the last step in setting up your campaign is confirming your settings. To do so, follow these steps:

Step 1. This last wizard step will provide you with an overview of all the settings you have created for this campaign. Set the schedule on when you want to start your campaign.

Step 2. Set the Request Drip Rate (optional).

A drip rate is the total number of emails sent each day.

Step 3. Review all the details carefully, and once you are done, click the Start Campaign button. 

Related Articles:

New Campaign Set up: How to Send a Campaign to SMS Contacts Only
Apology Emails
How to Ensure Email Deliverability in Emails From Rep Kahuna's CRM
Sending a Request Campaign: Individual Contact
Sending a Request Campaign: Multiple Contacts
Feedback CRM: Request Campaigns