The Leads section displays all the Leads that went through your Landing Page. This section includes Leads that you have already closed and Leads that are still your potential clients. Here, you can add merchants to your contacts and send merchants your banner designs. This article will give you a complete overview of your Leads section. 

Leads Analytics Panels

Your Leads Analytics Panel displays all the Leads that went through your Landing Page. Depending on your filter, this panel shows the total Clicks, Leads, and the total Conversion Percentage from the last seven to ninety days.

This next area is where you will see the all-time Clicks and Leads you had in your Ad Kahuna Account.

Open Leads Tab

The Open Leads tab displays all your prospective Leads that came in from your Landing Page.

Closed Leads Tab

If the merchant has responded, you can mark a Lead “Closed.” You can also create Banners for merchants in this section.

All Leads Tab

Navigate to this tab to view all your leads.


This Leads section has different controls that you can use. These include: creating a new banner, exporting leads to CSV, and closing a lead.

Creating Business from a Lead 

To create a business from a Lead, complete the following steps:

Step 1. From your Leads section, select a Lead and click Create

Step 2. Complete all the details of your new Business Contact.

All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Step 3. Once you are done, click Next and complete the next wizard step.

Exporting Leads to a CSV File

To export a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file from your Leads, complete the following steps:

Step 1. From your Leads section, select a Lead of your choice.

Step 2. Click Actions and select Export to CSV

Step 3. You can also export all your Leads by clicking the Select All checkbox and repeating step 2. 

Closing a Lead

To close a Lead, complete the following steps:

Step 1. From your Leads section, go to the Open Leads tab.

Step 2. Click the Close Lead icon on the lead that you want to close.

Step 3. You can also click Actions and select Close Leads.

Related Articles:

Leads Analytics Panel
Leads Contact Card Preview in Ad Kahuna 
How to Add a New Company from Your Leads
Lead Wizard Heat Map
Open Leads Record
Closed Leads Record