In this article you will find the voice script for acquiring an email and the contact name when you need to send a Lead Gen Campaign.

Getting The Decision Makers Name or Email Script

[5 Minute Script]

 Note: Use this script to call your Leads, get the owners/decision makers email or name, and set an appointment to give them a FREE Social Media Package. There are SEVERAL Script Openings Based On What Type OF Business It Is. HINT: Use the bolded sections should you run into any objections.

 Opening #1: Company You Have Done Business With:

Hi, this is {Your Name}, I’m a customer of yours and [1 sentence about your experience] I wanted to feature your company in a program that would highlight a leader in your industry and need to send an approval over.  What’s the owner's email so I can send it to them? What’s the spelling of their first and last name?

 Opening #2: Company Your FRIENDS FAMILY HAVE DONE Business With:

Hi, this is {Your Name}, I’m my [family/Friends name] is a customer of yours and referred me to you. I wanted to feature your company in a program that would highlight a leader in your industry needs to send approval over. What’s the email of the owner so I can send it to them? What’s the spelling of their first and last name?

 Opening #3: Company You Have Not Done Business With:

Hi, this is {Your Name}, I have approval that I need to send over.  What’s the email of the owner so I can send it to them? What’s the spelling of their first and last name? Can you put me through, thank you!

 Objection#1 [No They Aren’t Available] This is pretty important, I can get his email and I'll try and at least send him an approval via email. What's his email? [GET THE EMAIL THEN ASK TO GET CONNECTED] What’s the spelling of their first and last name? Can you put me through to them to leave a message? Thank YOU

 Objection#2 [What’s This Regarding?]

I'm a with (Your, This is pretty important regarding the content package that we are producing for the [Company Name] online. What’s his email and I'll try and at least send him an approval via email. What's his email? What’s the spelling of their first and last name? Can you put me through to them to leave a message? Thank YOU!

 Objection#3 [No They Aren’t Available] Does he have a direct number or extension? (Pause)… What time should I call back that you think they will be available?

This is pretty important, I can get his email and I'll try and at least send him an approval via email. What's his email? [GET THE EMAIL THEN ASK TO GET CONNECTED] What’s the spelling of their first and last name? Can you put me through to them to leave a message? Thank YOU!

 Objection#4 [I CAN TAKE A MESSAGE] This is pretty important, I can get his email and I'll try and at least send him an approval via email. What's his email? What’s the spelling of their first and last name? Thank YOU!


As I mentioned I am the Social Media Analyst with [Company]. From time to time our team of social media writers downtime in between clients and we want to fill those spots up.

So we created a BETA Program to research companies we know that would benefit
from converting more [buyer type]s online and invite them to get 30 days of social media content and to fill the downtime spots.

It’s pretty exciting! We’ve got some hard end of the month deadlines on our end.

I need to email over the approval to participate in the Beta program. 

The content is written and designed to help [1st Category]s grow their social media reach and engage more [buyer type]s.

It’s normally $500 for us to do this service but with this BETA program all the costs of writing and
creating the content are all underwritten already.

What’s their email?

Correct spelling of their name?

Great, what’s his direct number?

Thank you for your time! (With A Smile)

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"Cold Calling: Companies You Don't Know" Script
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