Here is our fifth and last Email Script for your 5 Day Fire Sale Campaign that you can use and send out to your clients:

[POC First Name],

I just thought I'd send you an email letting you know we decided to go with someone else.

They might be a competitor of yours, but I was hoping to work with you.

You had some amazing reviews and I was excited to help you.

I spent a week trying to get a hold of you and I'm sorry we weren't able to touch base and get you scheduled.

Again, I'm sorry we weren't able to connect and wished we could have shown you how to get your website to show your great reviews in a way that was able to get you more [Buyer Type]s.


[Agency Signature]

P.S. Moving forward, because of my experience with your company, please just let me know if you'd be open to getting some help if our schedule opened up 3-6 months from now.

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Sign In Form Overview
Email Script 1
Email Script 2 
Email Script 3
Email Script 4